16th September 2024

Search Pailton Parish Council

Pailton Parish Council Serving the people of Pailton


UPDATED: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 23 September 2024

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 23 September, starting at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

The agenda, draft cashbook to the end of September and the draft minutes from the meeting held in e will all be considered at the meeting.

The agenda and papers are attached but because it is posted so early in the month it will updated at the of September

Posted: Mon, 16 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Conclusion of Official Audit

The government appointed auditor Moore has now concluded its audit of the Parish Council's financial details, including spending on the White Lion and a copy of its signed certificate and opinion are attached , together with information on how to obtain a copy of the AGAR for 2023-24.

Posted: Thu, 5 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Draft minutes from the July PC meeting for approval on 23 September 2024

These draft minutes will be discussed and approved at the next meeting of Pailton Parish Council on Monday 23 September 2024

Posted: Mon, 5 Aug 2024

Tags: News

Overhanging foliage that is blocking pathways

Earlier this year we wrote and asked gardeners to be careful with their planting to ensure that foliage, trees and bushes do not hangover or encroach on the pathways in the village, which in many places are extremely narrow. However at the July meeting this was raised as a continuing concern.

The wet weather and more recent hot spells has driven a huge growth in greenery and now in several places, this... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 5 Aug 2024

Tags: News

Section 2 of the 2023-24 AGAR

Following a query from the Government Auditors, the clerk recognised she had made a typographical error on Section 2 two of the AGAR. This has been corrected, approved by Council and an annotated version (attached) was initialised by the Chairman, A Gillias, at the Parish Council Meeting on 29 July 2024. The full audit report from the auditors will be published on this website as soon as it become... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 31 Jul 2024

Tags: News

Updated Agenda for Parish Council on 24 June 2024

We have updated the agenda to take into account a new application for a portal frame extension to an existing agricultural building at Home Farm, Coventry Road, Pailton.

Posted: Thu, 20 Jun 2024

Tags: News

Agenda and papers for the June meeting of the Parish Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 24 June 2024 - starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The Agenda for the meeting is attached and the draft minutes/notes of the three meetings held in May 2024 can be real below.

Posted: Mon, 17 Jun 2024

Tags: News

Draft minutes from three meetings held In May 2024

During May 2024, the Council held three meetings

1. The first was on 13 May and was the formal annual meeting of the parish council - at which the chairman for the 2024-25 year was elected.

2. The second meeting, also on 13 May (followed on from the Annual Meeting) was the regular monthly parish council meeting.

3. The third meeting was held on 20 May - and this was the Meeting of the Parish, sometime... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 4 Jun 2024

Tags: News


Following the conclusion of the 23-24 Financial Year, Pailton Parish Council's accounts have been reviewed by an independent auditor. This enabled the Council to submit its Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the Government appointed auditors. Key documents, including the notice of Electors' Rights to Inspect and Question the accounts, with guidance notes, are attached. If you would like... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 30 May 2024

Tags: News



Pailton Parish Council is awarded a £2,040,170 grant by The National Lottery Heritage Fund to restore and transform The White Lion, Pailton

Today, Pailton Parish Council has received a £2,040,170 grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for an exciting heritage project, Save the White Lion, Pailton. Made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, the project focuses on restoring... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 9 May 2024

Tags: News

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