16th September 2024

Search Pailton Parish Council

Pailton Parish Council Serving the people of Pailton

Overhanging foliage that is blocking pathways

Earlier this year we wrote and asked gardeners to be careful with their planting to ensure that foliage, trees and bushes do not hangover or encroach on the pathways in the village, which in many places are extremely narrow. However at the July meeting this was raised as a continuing concern.

The wet weather and more recent hot spells has driven a huge growth in greenery and now in several places, this is severely curtailing the width of the pathways. So much so that in some places it is now too restricted to walk through the village with a pushchair and worse for wheelchair users. So some residents are having to take a risk and walk on the road to get past these areas.

Please look at your frontage and see if you need to cut this back. If you think it should be cut back to free up the pathways, but you need help with the task then one of our councillors , Stuart Law, has offered to help residents that need assistance.

Please contact the clerk in the first instance and she will arrange for Stuart to contact you directly. Clerk@pailtonparishcouncil.gov.uk

Posted: Mon, 5 Aug 2024

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