22nd December 2024

Search Pailton Parish Council

Pailton Parish Council Serving the people of Pailton

Financial Information

Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2020-2021

Every smaller authority in England that either received gross income or incurred gross expenditure exceeding £25,000 must complete Part 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return at the end of each financial year in accordance with Proper Practices.

The Annual Governance and Accountability Return is made up of three parts, pages 3 to 6:
• The Annual Internal Audit Report is completed by the authority's internal auditor. • Sections 1 and 2 are to be completed and approved by the authority. • Section 3 is completed by the external auditor and will be returned to the authority.

Annual Audit 2020-2021

Annual Audit 2019-2020

End of Year Accounts 2018/19

Included in this pack:

Bank Reconciliation
Receipts & Payments Summary
Asset Register
Notes to the Accounts


The Precept is that element of your Council Tax that is paid to Pailton Parish Council.

Every year, the Parish Council draws up budgets and calculates how much money it needs for the next Financial Year. These are usually finalised at the January Full Council meeting and then submitted to Rugby Borough Council (RBC). RBC co-ordinates the other demands from Warwickshire County Council, the Police and themselves and come up with the rate to be paid from 1st April of that year.

The precept for 2017-2018 is set and agreed at £11,090.00

The precept for 2018-2019 is set and agreed at £11,623.00

The precept for 2019-2020 is set and agreed at £14,861.00

The precept for 2020-2021 is set and agreed at £14,861.00

The precept for 2021-2022 is set and agreed at £14,861.00

The precept for 2022-2023 is set and agreed at £15,740.00

Financial Regulations

Grants Awarded

Grant Applications Submitted

List of Current Contracts Awarded & Value of Content

A list of Pailton Parish Council's current list of contracts awarded, along with their values can be found below. This complies with the Local Government Transparency Code.

Monthly Expenditure

A report of Pailton Parish Council's monthly expenditure can be found below:

Annual Return 2018-2019

Internal Auditor Report 2018-2019

Internal Auditor Report 2018-2019

Procurement Information

Here you can find details of any invitations to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value exceeding £5,000. At present, there are no tenders to display.

Last updated: Thu, 12 May 2022 08:04